Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Golfing Gamer swing analysis by Bobbie Lopez

Hey Gang,

So I was watching a golfing youtuber named Brendon DeVore. His youtube channel is called Be Better Golf.

He was working with a PGA tour Pro instructor named Bobbie Lopez.

It turns out Bobbie runs an online golf school and offers a free swing analysis. So the last time I was out golfing I got my buddy M to film me.

I sent it to Bobbie. Here is the video he sent back. Go watch it I will be here when you get back.

Golfing Gamer swing analysis by Bobbie Lopez

Incidentally that is also my youtube channel for the Golfing Gamer. I have plans to do a bunch of videos in the future stay tuned. Or subscribe that would be awesome.

So it turns out according to Bobbie my swing is not bad. It was gratifying to find out that all the work I have been doing this summer has lead to a decent result.

If you watched the video then you know he gave me a drill to do and some pointers. I will be doing those drills soon.

Oh and btw M and I had a fun time at Mohawk Hills golf course last Sunday. I almost hit M with a golf ball. So who knew it was going to be exciting as well?

I sent my swing to another Pro. as well. I will have another update when I get that back as well. I first viewing he said it wasn't bad either.

Dave aka The Golfing Gamer

The Golfing Gamer swing analysis by Bobbie Lopez

Remembering Arnold Palmer with Bobby Lopez PGA